Material from natural and synthetic goods by Polimeros y Derivados.
Polimeros y Derivados
Polimeros y Derivados is a Mexican company incorporated in 1958 at León Gto. Since its setting up it has turned towards a permanent generation of technological assets by merging its own international technological innovation, and thus attaining over time, a technological avant-garde profile.
In addition, the generated service infrastructure provide it with presence and competitiveness within its business line. Its sphere of influence is the sector of industrial transformation and at first the starting point was the generation of footwear components.

Polimeros y Derivados, leading company of the group of firms Resinas Sintéticas Oroz y Polivitro, has as undertaking to: Increased consolidation through an active effort by the group of people within its organization, as a highly community-addressed leading company which environmental outlook and behavior provides its members with the best welfare and well-being options.
To that end, the strategy is the continual search for a permanent improvement to achieve high quality in every phase of its performance leading to accomplish the best processes, systems, products and services through the research, innovation, process development and products. Competitiveness is grounded on the involvement from everyone aimed at transforming raw materials through highly built-in technical processes especially designed to manufacture unique products that, in addition to factors such as quality, costs, and service, set us within the best companies in the market.

Dry-Laid, Wet-Laid, Air-Laid, besides Hydrobonding, Resined, Needling, Thermobonding or o Stitch-Bonding for its consolidation. Finally, it hold a vast range of finishing processes such as Printing, Covering, Stamping, Engraving, Application of specific adhesives and additives, among others, to provide them with the technical and aesthetic features required by our customers. Likewise, it counts with the technology to manufacture special papers, resin polymerization and plastifying.
Polimeros y Derivados provides domestic and international markets with material manufactured from natural and synthetic goods. These products are designed in markets such as: Footwear, Filtration, Construction, Apparel, Automotive, Canvas and Covers, Cleaning, Industrial Protection, Advertisings, among others.
For more information please visit www.polimeros.com
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