Country -USA
City - Linden, TN 37096
Other length - 80
Other width - 40
Double membrane for insulation purposes - Yes
Purpose - Worship Center
Building place - 1225 Baptist Camp Road; Linden, TN 37096
Inside temperature (+C°) - 70
Outside temperature (-C°) - 100
Revolving doors - 2
Emergency doors - 2
Lightning - Direct
Extra info/suggestions - We are in need of an inflatable building that can seat 400 people with an area for staging in the front. Will also need to be able to provide air conditing.
We are a retreat facility that has recent flood damage and are in need of a meeting space for purchace or rental for at least 10 weeks this summer for our summer camp programs.
Do you provide service to Tennessee, USA.
What is your lead time for manufractring and shipping?
Can you provide an approx cost for structure?
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