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Tension structure to Illinois.

Here is another request for tension structures manufacturers located closer to Illinois.

I am the Tennis Director for a country club in Illinois that is looking to enclose two of our courts during the winter. They are surrounded by fence that cannot be removed and have things such as trees and a pool next to them which would eliminate an air supported structure. Would you have any thing that may enclose them?

Michael D. McWilliams

Feel free to contact in case of interest for e-mail address.
have not been rated yet Category: Marketplace Viewed: 2126 Author vingida 5 October 2006 Comments (0)  


Tensile structures for India.

We have recieved a cooperation offer from India. As we are based in Lithuania we do not see fisiability in such cooperation, probably some located closer to India may find this offer interesting.

Dear sir/madam,
I am the owner of a small scale tension membrane structure manufacturing co. In India,

As I donot have large manufacturing facility i do not take bigger area jobs I am intrested to know wether you will be able to do membrane fabrication jobs

I am also intrested in dealing in your party tents & mobile hangars Pl. mail me all the relevant details with prices etc. to proceed further,

Daler Singh.

Feel free to contact for Mr. Singh's direct e-mail adress.

Post rating: Satisfactory Category: Marketplace Viewed: 10001 Author vingida 5 October 2006 Comments (8)  

Considering to purchase a fabric tensile structure ? Wish to get proposals from all interested companies in your area? Request a quote right now!


Partytent - United States of America.

As we are very distanced from USA, we are confident that this request for a partytent from United States of America will be of interest to local (USA based) manufactures.

Country - United States of America
Length (m) - 100
Width - 40
Wall height (m) - 4
Side covering material - PVC fabric
Period of exploitation - All around the year
Flooring system - Not needed
Doors (quantity) - 2
Inner skin - Not
Printing on the hall - Yes
Purpose of use - Multiple public events
Delivery and construction - Buyers arrangement
Planning exploitation date - TBD
Other Ground - Grass

In case of interest, feel free to contact us for client's contact requisites.
have not been rated yet Category: Marketplace Viewed: 2560 Author vingida 25 September 2006 Comments (0)  


Inflatable domes - Macedonia.

Request for covering sport center in Macedonia.

Hello, I am a sports center owner from Macedonia, my name is Igorce Petkovski and looking at your website I can see that you have for sale new and old air domes. I own this sports center for 4 years now and I had built an metal structure over it, but the government here does not allow metal structures over sports fields. So therefore I found you and what I need from you is a very good offer and very, very fast. I need old, new,.... what every you can offer me. I need a dome with dimensions: L=42-38m, W=19-22m and H=max 10m. Old would be best because I don't want to lose the season, because the government has forced me to put down my construction.

Please, answer me as soon as you can and let me know if there is something even close to these dimensions.

Thank you, very, very much,
Igorce Petkovski

In case of interest feel free to contact for Mr. Petrovski's direct e-mail address.

have not been rated yet Category: Marketplace Viewed: 2186 Author vingida 25 September 2006 Comments (0)  


Request for inflatable structures - NY.

Another request to cover soccer field in NY.

Length (m) - 144
Width (m) - 72
Inner skin - Yes
Inside temperature (+C°) - 15C
Heating system - Nothing
Revolving doors (quantity) - 1
Lightning - Indirect
Purpose of use - Soccer

Contact information is available on request.
have not been rated yet Category: Marketplace Viewed: 2138 Author admin 21 September 2006 Comments (0)  

Considering to purchase a fabric tensile structure ? Wish to get proposals from all interested companies in your area? Request a quote right now!


Air supported structure - United States.

We've just recieved another request for a basketball court to be covered with air supported structure

Country - USA
Other Length - 160
Other Width - 100
Inner skin - Yes
Inside temperature (+C°) - 15 C
Outside temperature (-C°) - 10 C
Heating system - Gas
Revolving doors (quantity) - 2
Emergency doors (quantity) - 2
Lightning - Direct
Purpose of use - Basketball courts
Building place / address (if known) - see above
Planning exploitation date - January 2007

All contact information can be recieved by e-mail, feel free to contact us.
have not been rated yet Category: Marketplace Viewed: 2627 Author vingida 19 September 2006 Comments (3)  


Manufacturing service of pvdf coated membrane.

Dear Sir

We are looking manufacturing service (where we will provide the fabric) for patterning and sewing/welding of pvdf coated membrane panel of size 176' by 40' shade panel. We will need 30 panels.
Just give us an understanding of cost. then we will talk of details.

M A Haq

In case of interest feel free to contact for direct e-mail.
have not been rated yet Category: Marketplace Viewed: 2576 Author admin 18 September 2006 Comments (0)  


Mobile hangars to Neverlands, Antilles.

Request for mobile hangar - Neverlands, Antilles.

Country - Netherlands Antilles
Other Length - 50
Other Width - 45
Other Heigh - 3
Type - Not insulated
Type (2) - Relocatable
Foundation - Needed
Halls covering material - PVC fabric
Planning exploitation date - Early December 2006
Purpose of use - Aircraft Maintenance Fokker 100 / ATR 42
Building place / address (if known) - Curacao; Netherlands Antilles
Ground coating (building place) - Asphalt
Additional information - At this time I do not need the quote to cover the base we will organize that ourselves

In case of interest, please feel free to contact for client's requisites.
have not been rated yet Category: Marketplace Viewed: 2899 Author admin 18 September 2006 Comments (0)  

Your company is capable producing a tension structure or an inflatable building ? Join us and publish your structure photos and information about your product on Fabric Structure community site for free!


Inflatable buildings - USA.

And one more air supported structure to United States:

Country - USA
Length (m) - 72
Width (m) - 72
Inner skin - Not
Heating system - Nothing
Lightning - Indirect
Purpose of use - Cover for steel bars
Building place / address (if known) - same
Additional information - Need to be able to bring in 16' long material on forklifts. See website for parking lot pictures

Contact information is available, please, feel free to contact me.
have not been rated yet Category: Marketplace Viewed: 3171 Author admin 7 September 2006 Comments (0)  


Relocatable hall to England.

Another request from UK.

Country - England
State, City, Address - Cumbria
Length (m) - 18
Width (m) - 20
Wall height (m) - 4
Type Not - insulated
Type (2) Relocatable
Foundation - Not needed
Halls covering material - PVC fabric
Sliding doors / person doors - Gates only
Quantity - 1
Dimmensions - 12m wide 3 m high
Door / gate place - gable end
Planning exploitation date - october2006
Purpose of use - hangar
Building place / address (if known) - as above
Other Ground concrete
Additional information - please send cost for supply only and supply and erection.

In case of interest I can send client's contact information.
have not been rated yet Category: Marketplace Viewed: 2513 Author admin 1 September 2006 Comments (0)  
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