Submit QueryCountry -usa
Other length - 110
Other width - 175
Double membrane for insulation purposes - Yes
Purpose - hold 1000 people for design event
Building place - seoul korea
Revolving doors - 2
Emergency doors - 2
Lightning - Indirect
Country - USA
Planned covered area - 3000
Length (m) - 33 meters
Width (m) - 10 meters
Flooring system - Needed
Printing on the product - Yes
Purpose of use - sports
Contact information »
Country -Costa Rica
Other length - 50
Other width - 30
Construction type (2) - 36646
Foundation - Needed
Sliding doors / person doors - Gates with person doors
Quantity - 1
Dimmensions - 3
Planning exploitation date - July 2008
Purpose - Indoor Sports
Building place - San Jose, Costa Rica
Ground coating (building place) - Nothing
Country -Palestine
Purpose - exhibition
Building place - Ramallah
Period of exploitation - All around the year
Planned covered area - 1800
Length - 60
Width - 30
Architectural solution - Yes
Submit QueryCountry -United States
Other length - 800
Other width - 300
Double membrane for insulation purposes - Yes
Purpose - Indoor golf driving range
Building place - near Tulsa,Ok
Inside temperature (+C°) - 72F
Outside temperature (-C°) - 18F-110F
Heating system - Gas
Revolving doors - 1
Emergency doors - 4
Lightning - Direct
Country -morocco
Other length - 100
Other width - 100
Construction type (2) - 36645
Foundation - Needed
Hangar coating type - 28272
Sliding doors / person doors - No
Purpose - parc exibition
Country - USA
Other Length - 320ft
Other Width - 160ft
Inner skin - Yes
Inside temperature (+C°) - 18
Outside temperature (-C°) - 0-25
Heating system - Gas
Revolving doors (quantity) - 2
Emergency doors (quantity) - 2
Lightning - Direct
Purpose of use - Sports Complex
Submit QueryCountry -usa
Other length - 40
Other width - 40
Construction type (2) - 36646
Foundation - Not needed
Hangar coating type - 28272
Sliding doors / person doors - No
Purpose - portable aircraft hanger
Ground coating (building place) - No
Submit QueryCountry -USA
Other length - 320
Other width - 160
Double membrane for insulation purposes - Not
Inside temperature (+C°) - 18
Heating system - Gas
Lightning - Direct