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Portable hangar Sudan e.g. New York (Vertical de Aviacion)

postal information:
company - Vertical de Aviacion
country - Sudan
state -
city - e.g. New York
address - e.g. Palace Avenue 8
zipcode - Zipcode
type - Portable hangar
length - 30
width - 30
height - 20
units - m
application - Aviation
contract - Lease
description -

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have not been rated yet Category: Marketplace Viewed: 949 Author guest 1 August 2012 Comments (0)  More


Inflatable building United States Port Allen (Specialty Application Services)

postal information:
company - Specialty Application Services
country - United States
state - Louisiana
city - Port Allen
address - 1331 Hwy 190w
zipcode - 70767
type - Inflatable building
length - 30
width - 30
height - 30
units - ft
application - Environment
contract - Purchase
description -

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have not been rated yet Category: Marketplace Viewed: 1391 Author guest 26 July 2012 Comments (0)  More

Considering to purchase a fabric tensile structure ? Wish to get proposals from all interested companies in your area? Request a quote right now!


Inflatable building United States San Antonio (none at the moment)

postal information:
company - none at the moment
country - United States
state -
city - San Antonio
address - 500 N. Santa Rosa #810
zipcode - 78207
type - Inflatable building
length - 6
width - 2
height - 3
units - m
application - Sports & Recreation
contract - Purchase
description - I need a price list for every product you offer

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have not been rated yet Category: Marketplace Viewed: 1443 Author guest 20 July 2012 Comments (0)  More


Portable hangar South Africa johannesburg (Black Eagle)

postal information:
company - Black Eagle
country - South Africa
state -
city - johannesburg
address - Grand Central
zipcode - 1748
type - Portable hangar
length - 20
width - 15
height - 10
units - m
application - Aviation
contract - Purchase
description -

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have not been rated yet Category: Marketplace Viewed: 1558 Author guest 17 July 2012 Comments (0)  More


Inflatable building Hungary Budapest (Folyondár Sportközpont Ltd)

postal information:
company - Folyondár Sportközpont Ltd
country - Hungary
state -
city - Budapest
address - Folyondár st 15.
zipcode - 1037
type - Inflatable building
length - 36
width - 54
height - 10
units - m
application - Sports & Recreation
contract - Purchase
description - I write as a manager of a sport center. We have 10 tennis courts, at winter time we have 7 under tent. One for 3 court and one for 4 court. We have big problems with the heating of the tent, we spend too much for the gas, and we would like to solve this proble and I think the inflatable building must be a solution for our problem. I am really interested in distributing these tents too. Please write me some information about the heating of the tent, how it works, how much energy can we save with that, and what is the difference bitween the olda tennis tents, and your inflatable tent. Tha big wind is problem for the buliding? You can check our website on www.folyondar.hu Best regards Aron David

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Post rating: Satisfactory Category: Marketplace Viewed: 1695 Author guest 15 July 2012 Comments (1)  More

Running a company related to tensile structures or other relocatable buildings ? Join us to publish your product photos and other promotional information about your company in Fabric Structure community for free!


Inflatable building United States e.g. New York (Famgablam)

postal information:
company - Famgablam
country - United States
state - Georgia
city - e.g. New York
address - e.g. Palace Avenue 8
zipcode - Zipcode
type - Inflatable building
length - 30
width - 50
height - 40
units - ft
application - Sports & Recreation
contract - Purchase
description - interested in the cost of your battlefield inflatables

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have not been rated yet Category: Marketplace Viewed: 1755 Author guest 14 July 2012 Comments (0)  More


Inflatable building United States gilroy (Express Legal)

postal information:
company - Express Legal
country - United States
state - California
city - gilroy
address - 2025 Trumar Lane
zipcode - 95020
type - Inflatable building
length - 50
width - 50
height - 10
units - ft
application - other
contract - Purchase

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have not been rated yet Category: Marketplace Viewed: 1503 Author guest 8 July 2012 Comments (0)  More


Tensioned membrane structure United States Irvine (gsla)

postal information:
company - gsla
country - United States
state - California
city - Irvine
address - e.g. Palace Avenue 8
zipcode - 92620
type - Tensioned membrane structure
length - 62
width - 39
height - 16
units - ft
application - Architectural
contract - Purchase
description - permanent shade against the sun and occasional rain with maximum light transmittance using transluccent PTFE fabrics that require minimal maintenance. A. Budget - Please furnish quotation for these 2 options for supply and installation including support structure, 4 LED flood lighting strategically mounted on the higher support structure to provide illumination for outdoor functions. B. What is the 1) cost premium to opt for self-cleansing coating and 2) cost saving for the cheaper PVC coated polyester. C. Please advise estimated lead time from order confirmation to delivery and installation duration. D. What is the warranty period available for the entire installation?

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have not been rated yet Category: Marketplace Viewed: 1570 Author guest 3 July 2012 Comments (1)  More

Running a company related to tensile structures or other relocatable buildings ? Join us to publish your product photos and other promotional information about your company in Fabric Structure community for free!


Inflatable building Iran urmia (urmia university of technology (UUT))

postal information:
company - urmia university of technology (UUT)
country - Iran
state -
city - urmia
address - urmia university of technology, band ave, urmia, iran
zipcode - 57198
type - Inflatable building
length - 40
width - 20
height - 4
units - m
application - Sports & Recreation
contract - Purchase
description - hello every body i'm from iran if you can't Transmission this Inflatable structures to iran. you can Transmission it to turkey.

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have not been rated yet Category: Marketplace Viewed: 1573 Author guest 26 June 2012 Comments (0)  More


Tensioned membrane structure United States Levittown (Lower Bucks County Joint Municipal Authority)

postal information:
company - Lower Bucks County Joint Municipal Authority
country - United States
state - Pennsylvania
city - Levittown
address - 7900 Route 13
zipcode - 19057
type - Tensioned membrane structure
length - 23
width - 37
height - 24
units - ft
application - Bulk Storage
contract - Purchase
description - To Whom It May Concern, My name is Michael Andrews and I work for the Lower Bucks County Joint Municipal Authority in Levittown, Pa 19007. I just received a packet in the mail about your company and its products with your name attached. I wanted to inquire about some pricing for a small fabric structure over our Salt and Top Soil deposits. I have attached pictures of the two “bays” that we will need the structure to cover. The total width would be 37 feet. We will be needing a minimum of 30’ clearance at all locations in the bays so that dump trucks can safely unload without hitting anything. We figured that the best method would be to put your framing elements on the top of the 3rd layer of concrete blocks which is a height of 6’ so we will need the sides of the structure to be a minimum of 24’ tall. The measurement to the back of the bay is to the middle of the back layer of bricks. The structure will need to sit upon concrete blocks which are 6’ high stacked upon one another. Please let me know if you guys are able to help us out. I realize that this will most likely be a custom structure and could you please add in the cost of installation if you are able to produce this kind of structure. If you should have any questions or need further clarification please do not hesitate to contact me. Thanks,

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have not been rated yet Category: Marketplace Viewed: 2058 Author guest 25 June 2012 Comments (9)  More
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