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Inflatable building Bahrain Manama (Alshafei Corp)

postal information:
company - Alshafei Corp
country - Bahrain
state -
city - Manama
address - P.O.Box 26900
zipcode - Zipcode
type - Inflatable building
length - 70
width - 35
height - 25
units - m
application - Sports & Recreation
contract - Purchase
description - The project will be used for an indoor soccer facility

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have not been rated yet Category: Marketplace Viewed: 1522 Author guest 22 March 2012 Comments (0)  More »


Inflatable building United States We will take the structure to a dozen different cities for Airshows. (Wargaming America)

postal information:
company - Wargaming America
country - United States
state - California
city - We will take the structure to a dozen different cities for Airshows.
address - e.g. Palace Avenue 8
zipcode - Zipcode
type - Inflatable building
length - 100
width - 50
height - 10
units - ft
application - other
contract - Purchase
description - We need a portable inflatable building to take to airshows around the USA. Roughly 5,000-7,500 sqaure feet. Something we can put up and take down in a day. Need a price quote and some sample plans ASAP. Need the building by May 15th. Can you contact us to discuss what's possible?

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have not been rated yet Category: Marketplace Viewed: 1401 Author guest 20 March 2012 Comments (1)  More »

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Tensioned membrane structure India e.g. New York (wild wool pavilions)

postal information:
company - wild wool pavilions
country - India
state -
city - e.g. New York
address - e.g. Palace Avenue 8
zipcode - Zipcode
type - Tensioned membrane structure
length - 18
width - 12
height - 12
units - ft
application - Construction
contract - Purchase
description - for use in a wildlife jungle resort

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have not been rated yet Category: Marketplace Viewed: 858 Author guest 16 March 2012 Comments (0)  More »


Inflatable building United States norfolk (PETA Foundation)

postal information:
company - PETA Foundation
country - United States
state - Virginia
city - norfolk
address - 501 front st
zipcode - 23510
type - Inflatable building
length - 30
width - 20
height - 11
units - ft
application - other
contract - Purchase
description - We are in the market for an inflatable tent. We would like the tent to be shaped like a traditional gambrel roofed barn (similar to http://www.ontariofixturegroup.com/bedbugspray/wp-content/uploads/barn.jpg), and have full colour graphics on the outside and would like a quote for full colour graphic on the interior and a solid colour interior. We are looking for quotes for a tent sized 30ft L x 20ft W x 10.5ft H and a tent sized 20ft L x 10ft W x 9ft H. any assistance would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

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have not been rated yet Category: Marketplace Viewed: 1331 Author guest 13 March 2012 Comments (1)  More »


Tensioned membrane structure United Kingdom Barking (Barking Abbey School)

postal information:
company - Barking Abbey School
country - United Kingdom
state -
city - Barking
address - Barking Abbey School Sandringham Road Barking Essex
zipcode - 11
type - Tensioned membrane structure
length - 50
width - 30
height - 10
units - m
application - Sports & Recreation
contract - Purchase
description - The structure is needed at a school to cover exsiting outside tennis/netball courts

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have not been rated yet Category: Marketplace Viewed: 820 Author guest 12 March 2012 Comments (0)  More »

Running a company related to tensile structures or other relocatable buildings ? Join us to publish your product photos and other promotional information about your company in Fabric Structure community for free!


Inflatable building France NOGENT LE ROTROU (AIR ET VOLUME)

postal information:
company - AIR ET VOLUME
country - France
state -
address - e.g. Palace Avenue 8
zipcode - Zipcode
type - Inflatable building
length - 36
width - 18
height - 10
units - m
application - Sports & Recreation
contract - Purchase
description -

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have not been rated yet Category: Marketplace Viewed: 1088 Author guest 8 March 2012 Comments (0)  More »


Tensioned membrane structure United States persia (Heim Dairy)

postal information:
company - Heim Dairy
country - United States
state -
city - persia
address - 3643 270th st
zipcode - 51563
type - Tensioned membrane structure
length - 100
width - 100
height - 30
units - ft
application - other
contract - Purchase
description - It would be a freestall barn for dairy cows. Looking for fabric building.

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have not been rated yet Category: Marketplace Viewed: 833 Author guest 5 March 2012 Comments (0)  More »


Inflatable building United States monmouth junction (aiana.org)

postal information:
company - aiana.org
country - United States
state - New Jersey
city - monmouth junction
address - 2000 cornwall road
zipcode - 08852
type - Inflatable building
length - 400
width - 250
height - 80
units - ft
application - Sports & Recreation
contract - Purchase
description - We want to build a permanent sturcture ( air dome ) and it should have weather control inside. attaching specifications found on internet

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have not been rated yet Category: Marketplace Viewed: 2617 Author guest 25 February 2012 Comments (0)  More »

Running a company related to tensile structures or other relocatable buildings ? Join us to publish your product photos and other promotional information about your company in Fabric Structure community for free!


Inflatable building Haiti e.g. New York (INTERTRADE INTERNATIONAL SERVICES SRL)

postal information:
country - Haiti
state -
city - e.g. New York
address - e.g. Palace Avenue 8
zipcode - Zipcode
type - Inflatable building
length - 14
width - 18
height - 13
units - ft
application - Emergency Relief
contract - Purchase
description - Inflatable tents size 14 feet by 18 and of hangar type, best if silver, second is grey, should be treated so it stands and reflects hot environments. Each seam used is reinforced and the Radio frequency technic is a plus. Should be easy and fast to inflate by using the include compressor/s. Tent has a warranty of at least two years, and is fire retardant, with a certificate confirming this included and/or sticked on the tent. The tent shall be marked FIRE MARSHALL MINUSTAH. This secure tent can stand as a single unit, and also be connected to the other tents, here provided. Each tent should be provided with compressor of at least 1 horse power capacity and use some 12-13 amps. We are using 110V, 50 (fifty) Hz, and/or generator that give 110V out. Additional compressor similar to the one descripted above, complete with all fittings compatible with the above line

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have not been rated yet Category: Marketplace Viewed: 1705 Author guest 23 February 2012 Comments (5)  More »


Party hall United States Fresno (IPC Co.)

postal information:
company - IPC Co.
country - United States
state - California
city - Fresno
address - e.g. Palace Avenue 8
zipcode - Zipcode
type - Party hall
length - 30
width - 40
height - 12
units - ft
application - Sports & Recreation
contract - Purchase
description - Price, including shipping

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have not been rated yet Category: Marketplace Viewed: 1543 Author guest 20 February 2012 Comments (0)  More »
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