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Inflatable building Czech Republic (puqKhRLmENW)

Postal information:
company - puqKhRLmENW
address -
zipcode -
city -
country - Czech Republic
state - Georgia

Structure information:
description - I waentd to spend a minute to thank you for this.
width - 5u3rRi3CM4
units - ft
type - Inflatable building
height - C9RqlQFBA
application - Marine
length - L6POV7CrN
contract - Purchase

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have not been rated yet Category: Marketplace Viewed: 867 Author guest 17 December 2015 Comments (0)  More »


Inflatable building Israel Tel Aviv (Naia Pro.)

Postal information:
company - Naia Pro.
country - Israel
state -
city - Tel Aviv
address - e.g. Palace Avenue 8
zipcode - Zipcode

Structure information:
type - Inflatable building
length - 80
width - 40
height - 15
units - m
application - other
contract - Purchase
description -

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have not been rated yet Category: Marketplace Viewed: 835 Author guest 15 November 2015 Comments (0)  More »

Considering to purchase a fabric tensile structure ? Wish to get proposals from all interested companies in your area? Request a quote right now!


Inflatable building United States Big Rapids (Inflatable Stadium)

Postal information:
company - Inflatable Stadium
country - United States
state - Michigan
city - Big Rapids
address - e.g. Palace Avenue 8
zipcode - 49307

Structure information:
type - Inflatable building
length - 100
width - 100
height - 25
units - ft
application - Sports & Recreation
contract - Purchase
description -

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have not been rated yet Category: Marketplace Viewed: 877 Author guest 25 October 2015 Comments (0)  More »


Inflatable building Ecuador Quito (Horus Logistic)

Postal information:
company - Horus Logistic
country - Ecuador
state -
city - Quito
address - !2 octubre y Isabela la catolica
zipcode - 5932

Structure information:
type - Inflatable building
length - 200
width - 80
height - 5
units - m
application - Emergency Relief
contract - Purchase
description - reciban un cordial saludo de mi parte y nuestra compañía estamos interesados en las estructuras y edificios esta cotizacion sera para poder entrar en una futura relacion comercial

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have not been rated yet Category: Marketplace Viewed: 871 Author guest 14 October 2015 Comments (0)  More »


Portable hangar Mexico Cd. Juarez (GCC)

Postal information:
company - GCC
country - Mexico
state -
city - Cd. Juarez
address - e.g. Palace Avenue 8
zipcode - Zipcode

Structure information:
type - Portable hangar
length - 60
width - 30
height - 4
units - m
application -
contract - Purchase
description - Cover structure will be erected on precast concrete walls (3 meters height and 6" thikness)

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have not been rated yet Category: Marketplace Viewed: 1078 Author guest 30 September 2015 Comments (0)  More »

Running a company related to tensile structures or other relocatable buildings ? Join us to publish your product photos and other promotional information about your company in Fabric Structure community for free!


Inflatable building United States Miami (Octametro)

Postal information:
company - Octametro
country - United States
state - Florida
city - Miami
address - e.g. Palace Avenue 8
zipcode - Zipcode

Structure information:
type - Inflatable building
length - 100
width - 50
height - 30
units - ft
application - General Industry
contract - Purchase
description - black interior, time of delivery, air conditioning system and ducts, generators

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have not been rated yet Category: Marketplace Viewed: 1163 Author guest 3 July 2015 Comments (0)  More »


Party tent United Arab Emirates Abu Dhabi (Oil Tech International)

Postal information:
company - Oil Tech International
country - United Arab Emirates
state -
city - Abu Dhabi
address - Muroor Road, Al Nahyan Area, Abu Dhabi,United Arab Emirates
zipcode - 9712

Structure information:
type - Party tent
length - 12
width - 10
height - 8
units - ft
application -
contract - Purchase
description - Dear Sir, We are a trading and service provider to many Middle East and other countries for supply and services of various life supporting items. We now look forward to get good quality Membrane Covered Frame Structure(Tents) in good volume at very competitive prices. Please let us know if you can give us good prices. We will provide you details upon receipt of your reply. Thanks and regards Abraham Mathew Sales Manager Oil Tech International LLC Abu Dhabi

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have not been rated yet Category: Marketplace Viewed: 1209 Author guest 30 June 2015 Comments (0)  More »


Inflatable building United States Puposky (Belleveau )

Postal information:
company - Belleveau
country - United States
state - Minnesota
city - Puposky
address - 24011 Hwy. 89 NW
zipcode - 56667

Structure information:
type - Inflatable building
length - 100
width - 80
height - 20
units - m
application - other
contract - Purchase
description - Could you give me quotes on tents too ?

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have not been rated yet Category: Marketplace Viewed: 1196 Author guest 5 June 2015 Comments (0)  More »

Your company is capable producing a tension structure or an inflatable building ? Join us and publish your structure photos and information about your product on Fabric Structure community site for free!


Inflatable building United States Brookville (Frosty Freeze)

Postal information:
company - Frosty Freeze
country - United States
state - Pennsylvania
city - Brookville
address - 804 Rt 36 North
zipcode - 15825

Structure information:
type - Inflatable building
length - 60
width - 60
height - 10
units - ft
application - Sports & Recreation
contract - Purchase
description - This would be used as a means to extend my open season in the fall. Also it would allow us to open earlier in the spring. We are a seasonal ice cream and hamburger and cheese steak type restaurant. We are ranked #1 restaurant in our area and hate to close when it get cold but we must. Hoping something like this may even give us the opportunity to stay open year round. Ideally this structure would be in an igloo shape and really would draw in customers just see it! Please advise info and what additional info you need.

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have not been rated yet Category: Marketplace Viewed: 1046 Author guest 1 June 2015 Comments (0)  More »


Inflatable building Los Angeles (The Marketing Arm)

Postal information:
company - The Marketing Arm
country -
state - California
city - Los Angeles
address - e.g. Palace Avenue 8
zipcode - Zipcode

Structure information:
type - Inflatable building
length - 40
width - 40
height - 20
units - m
application - Sports & Recreation
contract - Purchase
description - Hello, I am doing some preliminary research for inflatable structures for spaces that are 20x20 up to 40x40. We would be looking for 4 or 5 identical structures to put in 4 or 5 different markets across the country for 2 months. Do you have any estimated costs and options of what could work? for both rental and purchase? We would be looking for these at the end of May- beginning of August. These would be outdoors in various weather conditions; so we would want to ensure they can be withstand rain/wind/etc. We would also want to be able to put in AC , lighting, etc. as we will be activating during the day and at night; in the summer. Any information you have would be greatly appreciated!

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have not been rated yet Category: Marketplace Viewed: 1314 Author guest 26 February 2015 Comments (0)  More »
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