Postal information:
company - The Marketing Arm
country -
state - California
city - Los Angeles
address - e.g. Palace Avenue 8
zipcode - Zipcode
Structure information:
type - Inflatable building
length - 40
width - 40
height - 20
units - m
application - Sports & Recreation
contract - Purchase
description - Hello,
I am doing some preliminary research for inflatable structures for spaces that are 20x20 up to 40x40. We would be looking for 4 or 5 identical structures to put in 4 or 5 different markets across the country for 2 months.
Do you have any estimated costs and options of what could work? for both rental and purchase? We would be looking for these at the end of May- beginning of August.
These would be outdoors in various weather conditions; so we would want to ensure they can be withstand rain/wind/etc. We would also want to be able to put in AC , lighting, etc. as we will be activating during the day and at night; in the summer.
Any information you have would be greatly appreciated!
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